IBM Storage for Data and AI

Infrastructure Solutions
Learn about complete and ready-to-use offerings that can simplify and speed up your data center AI deployments.

IBM Storage for Data and AI
Using IBM Storage for Data and AI with NVIDIA DGX BasePOD™ makes managing data easier and more accessible for a hybrid infrastructure. This delivers versatile and high-performance AI infrastructure solutions that meet your business needs. IBM Storage for Data and AI solutions are optimized for AI and can help streamline and transform data-intensive AI workloads into valuable insights. Furthermore, they offer an AI information architecture with fast hybrid cloud data access and AI data modernization, giving customers the ability to fully utilize their AI data storage infrastructure and bring more value to their organization.
NVIDIA and IBM Storage: Creating an AI Center of Excellence
From the Gartner IT IOCS 2022 report, find out how NVIDIA and IBM work together to help businesses everywhere integrate AI into their operations.
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AMBER is an NVIDIA Elite Partner
Leveraging the computational capabilities of the GPU is a critical component of AMBER's mission to support designers. AMBER is an NVIDIA Elite Partner, offering its customers expert advice and services to select and order customized GPU solutions for successful research and design projects.
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