NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD and BasePOD

    from AMBER AI & Data Science Solutions

SuperPOD: The World's First Turnkey AI Data Center Solution

Unleash AI Performance Without Compromise The NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD™ is an AI data center infrastructure platform that enables IT to deliver high-performance computing for every user and workload. It offers accelerated infrastructure and scalable performance for the most challenging AI and HPC workloads, with industry-proven results.

Designed for Enterprise AI Scale

The DGX SuperPOD delivers a turnkey AI data center solution for organizations that want to focus on insights instead of infrastructure, with best-of-breed computing, software tools, expertise, and continuous innovation delivered seamlessly. Offered with two compute infrastructure options, DGX SuperPOD lets every enterprise infuse AI into their business and build game-changing applications.

Three Modes of AI Infrastructure

Choose Your Path

Learn more about DGX SuperPOD

A full lifecycle solution for enterprises
A full lifecycle solution for enterprises

A full lifecycle solution for enterprises

Did you know the full lifecycle solution for enterprises?

Leverage Proven AI Leadership
Leverage Proven AI Leadership

Leverage Proven AI Leadership

Find out why NVIDIA DGX systems are at the forefront of AI innovation, with top rankings on supercomputing lists and outperforming other AI infrastructure options in MLPerf benchmarks. Discover why customers choose NVIDIA DGX systems for their AI projects.

Take a Tour of an NVIDIA Data Center

See inside an NVIDIA data center that houses some of the world's most powerful AI supercomputers, which rank among the top tier of the TOP500 and the Green500 supercomputing lists. These data centers are built based on the same blueprint as the DGX SuperPOD reference architecture.

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Tested and Proven for Enterprise AI

DGX SuperPOD is not just AI infrastructure done the NVIDIA way, it's a predictable solution that meets the performance and reliability needs of enterprises. NVIDIA tests DGX SuperPOD extensively with real-world enterprise AI workloads, so you can focus on application performance without worries.

Unleash Developer Productivity with NVIDIA Base Command Platform

The NVIDIA Base Command Platform manages the end-to-end lifecycle of AI training, including workload management, resource sharing, and integrated monitoring and reporting dashboards.

Advanced Infrastructure Software That Always Improves

Powered by NVIDIA Base Command, the DGX SuperPOD includes enterprise-grade orchestration and cluster management, libraries that accelerate compute, storage, and network infrastructure, and an operating system optimized for AI workloads.

Dedicated Expertise and Services

The DGX SuperPOD comes with dedicated expertise, from installation to infrastructure management to scaling workloads to streamlining production AI. Get access to a DGXpert, your direct line to the world's largest team of AI-fluent practitioners.

NVIDIA DGX BasePOD: The Foundation of Enterprise AI

Transform Your Business into an AI Enterprise with Essential Infrastructure AI is driving mission-critical use cases across all industries, from healthcare to manufacturing to financial services. The NVIDIA DGX BasePOD reference architecture provides the foundation for business transformation and AI application development.

Delivering Supercomputing to Every Enterprise

Bring Supercomputing Power to Your Enterprise
Bring Supercomputing Power to Your Enterprise

Bring Supercomputing Power to Your Enterprise

NVIDIA created the world's eighth-fastest supercomputer, the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD, in just three weeks. Now, we've created a full-cycle solution for DGX SuperPOD based on our experience in designing leading infrastructure. The DGX SuperPOD Solution for Enterprise is a turnkey hardware, software, and services offering that eliminates the guesswork of building and deploying AI infrastructure in any enterprise. Start achieving real results sooner.

Build on Our Experience
Build on Our Experience

Build on Our Experience

The race to stay ahead of the AI curve is on. We've distilled the knowledge gained from field-proven AI deployments around the world and our experience building the NVIDIA DGX SATURNV into replicable, validated designs that every enterprise can use. The NVIDIA DGX BasePOD reference architecture is based on a proven design that integrates computing, networking, storage, software, and more in an integrated AI infrastructure solution.

Power Mission-Critical AI Use Cases with NVIDIA DGX BasePOD

NVIDIA makes it easier, faster, and more cost-effective for businesses to deploy the most important AI use cases in the enterprise. By combining the performance, scalability, and manageability of the DGX BasePOD reference architecture with industry-specific software and tools from the NVIDIA AI Enterprise software suite, enterprises can build their AI applications faster and more cost-effectively.

Healthcare and Life Sciences

Financial Services

Natural Language Processing

AMBER is an NVIDIA Elite Partner
AMBER is an NVIDIA Elite Partner

AMBER is an NVIDIA Elite Partner

Leveraging the computational capabilities of the GPU is a critical component of AMBER's mission to support designers. AMBER is an NVIDIA Elite Partner, offering its customers expert advice and services to select and order customized GPU solutions for successful research and design projects.

AMBER delivers your solution!

AMBER delivers solutions that make your data center AI infrastructure simpler and faster to design, deploy and manage.

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